Tag: Transgender

Trans Town Hall Meeting Saturday, October 9

This will be your opportunity to become fully informed and have all your questions and concerns addressed about this case. This town hall meeting will focus on the impact the Heather Delgado v. Nikki Araguz case will have on the overall GLBT community within Texas and beyond.

A review of TG culture through the medium of Pwnage

This is my first attempt at mixing my own animations into one of my videos. This is basically a low-key PWNage video covering the topics of trans & gender causality, the definition of the word “transgender”, TG history and the benefits of being part of this thing we call transgender 🙂

Corrections, History & Our Future

This video corrects of few misconceptions about why the Nikki Araguz case is so important to the trans community, reviews the history of how the media has dealt with gender queer news and reviews how the media spin has played out in the GLBT community:

Corrections, History & Our Future

This video corrects of few misconceptions about why the Nikki Araguz case is so important to the trans community, reviews the history of how the media has dealt with gender queer news and reviews how the media spin has played out in the GLBT community:

Detransition all Texas TGs? It’s up to a Wharton Judge

This case is about whether or not Nikki is legally a man. If the court finds that Nikki is legally a man, it will apply to you, me and the people you love and care about as well. Worse, should this become case-law, it can be used in other states around the nation.

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