Tag: Transgender

Lana Wachowski: In Her Own Words

Years later I find the courage to admit that I am transgender and this doesn’t mean that I am unlovable. I meet a woman, the first person that has made me understand that they love me not in spite of my difference but because of it. She is the first person to see me as a whole […]

A Grateful Life

Sometimes I feel so amazingly grateful for my life – even in the midst of all the difficulties, stressors and hardships. As I write this, I’m on a airplane heading back to Houston from New York. I just spent the weekend reviewing national epidemiological trends and how those trends are being responded to by government […]

1974: TERFs and Trans Folk

The following article was published in 1974. Note the way the overall public holds anti-trans views in contempt. Note the dismissive way the author of this article reports on TERF bigotry. I think this article serves as an important cautionary tale. I can’t help but note that today, like in this 1974 article, most feminists and trans […]

Nikki Araguz Trans Marriage Update!

Here’s the long-awaited Nikki Araguz case update! We last left off a year ago with my critique of the small-town Republican judge’s laughable judgement. What fallows is the brief that was submitted to the 13th District Court of appeals in Texas. As I bitched about in my critique, the ethically challenged legal team for the ex-wife […]

The American Psychiatric Association, RadFems and Fundies

Houston, we have a problem. Or, I should say that RadFems and Fundies have a problem on their hands. You might have missed it, but the American Psychiatric Association published their position on “transgender and gender variant” people this week… And their position is problematic to the beloved narrative and traditional goals favored by RadFems and Fundies: Long-standing medical and psychiatric […]

Transgender Timeline

This is a quick reference guide to the development of the trans+gender lexical compound: 1960s 1965: Transgenderism = Transsexual 1969: Transgenderal = Full-Time Non-Op 1970s 1970: Transgendered = Transsexual 1974: Transgender = Umbrella Term 1974: Transgender = Umbrella Term 1975: Transgenderism = Umbrella Term 1975: Transgender = Cross-gender 1975: Transgenderism = Umbrella Term 1975: Transgenderist = Part/Full-Time, […]

Gender Orientation, Identity and Expression

I’ve seen so many arguments and misunderstandings pop up over the conflation of these THREE dimensions of what we collectively refer to as gender: Gender Orientation: One’s subjective experience of one’s own physical sex. Gender Identity: One’s culturally influenced identification of one’s sex within the context of a social grouping. Gender Expression: One’s situational expression of cultural ques which […]

Suzan Cooke Nails It!

While in the past, Suzan and I have had significant disagreements over her radical rhetoric concerning trans history, I’ve noticed Suzan’s tone has mellowed and deepened. While she does not self-identify as transgender, I take no issue with that. Furthermore, since she is no longer asserting as absolute fact the Prince fountainhead myth, I take […]

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