Tag: Republicans

Ron Paul, You Say? Well, Allow Me To Retort!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBlel9n9fxk Yah, this covers most of the issues I have with Ron Paul. I noted a number of these issues in Republicanism is Political Heroin. Also, if you support GLBT equality and support Republican power, this is why you’re a hypocrite.

Republicanism is Political Heroin

Here’s the Texas Republican leadership in all its glory. This is the guy Texas Republicans believe to be the embodiment of Texas Republicanism… so much so that they made sure that he became the longest continuously serving current U.S. governor. Moreover, since this is what Republicanism looks like he was elected TWICE to lead the […]

Senator Williams isn’t happy with YOU!

Can you imagine how frustrated this Senatorial bully feels? He’s done everything he can do to make your life and the lives of the people your care about more difficult and YOU have stopped him in his tracks! . . He tried to sneak SB 723 through committee without alerting anyone and with only a […]

SB 723: Resurection and Fallout

Williams Knows Best Texas Senator Williams (R –Woodlands) has made it clear that he is an extremist who believes that politicians should get to decide what sex you are. If your child is intersex, he believes that his opinion counts more than the informed counsel of medical, psychological and/or genetic specialists. He thinks he knows […]

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