My 2012 highlights: January Schadenfreude Anyone? – It turns out that the lawyer trying to do away with trans marriage racked up YET ANOTHER ethics violation! Equality = Bathroom Bills = Rape: Reality Check –RadFems take up the exact same blood-drenched tactics used against them to take aim at trans folk. Nikki Araguz, Jewel Thief […]
Recently I’ve seen Republican leaders take a rhetorical sledgehammer to any Republican who dares come off as a non-ideologue extremist. Not only is the consensus at the Republican Governors’ Convention that President Obama won not because Americans agreed with his positions on raising taxes on the rich or healthcare, but because of Obama’s ground game… Republicans think “the […]
You know the GOP Chair Charlie Webster who thought there was voter fraud because “dozens and dozens of black people” voted? Well, he wants you to know that he’s not a racist: There’s nothing about me that would be discriminatory. I know black people. I play basketball every Sunday with a black guy. He’s a […]
This post chronicles efforts by the GOP and their surrogates to systematically and fraudulently stop Democrats from voting: True The Vote – a Republican poll-watching org (see other TTV issues below) – just got caught committing voter fraud, was banned from operating in Franklin County. Caught on video: Voting machine switching Obama votes to Romney votes: Pensilvania Republicans trying to stop black […]
So, you know how awesome the GOP is for coming up with the Sequestration on January 2? If that happens, this is what WILL occur in HIV: 15,708 people would lose access to crucial life-saving drugs and die. 4,738 households would lose housing support. 460 AIDS research grants would be eliminated. Republicans will return America […]
Richard Mourdock: “I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.” What a stupid fucking statement. You know what’s worse? The National Republican senatorial committee chairman John Cornyn voiced his support for Mourdock and added that he also believes “life is a gift […]
So you believe Obama wants to redistribute your wealth because AM radio and FOX News told you so?* Here’s why your ‘news’ sources are making you stupid: They lie to you. Here’s the actual quote: “Chicago Housing Authority has not been a model of good policymaking. And neither necessarily have been the Chicago Public Schools. What […]
Erm.. I mean, I’m a proud 1950’s era Republican… Which is to say, I’m a modern Democrat From the 1956 Republican Platform: [We] establish and maintain a peaceful world and build at home a dynamic prosperity in which every citizen fairly shares. We shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because […]