For the second year in a row, the RadFem hate conference has been booted from their venue. For the second year in a row, the RadFem hate leadership is claiming to be victims of a conspiracy. Last year is was a transgender conspiracy and this year it’s a so-called “Men’s Rights” conspiracy: Here’s why the RadFem’s claim […]
Most of the Womyn that come to fest really don’t care whether you’re straight or not as long as your not trans. – D.M., Festival Supporter, July 4, 2012 It’s been 23 years since the MWMF became a symbol of all that’s wrong with cis-privilege and some might wonder why the fight to end cis/trans segregation at […]
In the wake of the President’s historic speech referencing Stonewall, NPR ran a piece asking and purporting to answer the question, “So, what was Stonewall?” The article calls upon Martin Duberman, now 82, to retell the story of Stonewall. Martin Duberman published the first history of Stonewall in 1993. His history significantly featured trans folk. Bizarrely, the NPR author Liz Halloran […]
My 2012 highlights: January Schadenfreude Anyone? – It turns out that the lawyer trying to do away with trans marriage racked up YET ANOTHER ethics violation! Equality = Bathroom Bills = Rape: Reality Check –RadFems take up the exact same blood-drenched tactics used against them to take aim at trans folk. Nikki Araguz, Jewel Thief […]
A RadFem has been trying to troll me for about a week. She not only asserted that I’m male, but that I’m emotionally unstable, that by boobs aren’t perky and that I need to get surgery for that. Has anyone else noticed that some RadFems seem to morph into an amalgam of Ralph Kramden and […]
Sometimes I feel so amazingly grateful for my life – even in the midst of all the difficulties, stressors and hardships. As I write this, I’m on a airplane heading back to Houston from New York. I just spent the weekend reviewing national epidemiological trends and how those trends are being responded to by government […]
The following article was published in 1974. Note the way the overall public holds anti-trans views in contempt. Note the dismissive way the author of this article reports on TERF bigotry. I think this article serves as an important cautionary tale. I can’t help but note that today, like in this 1974 article, most feminists and trans […]
Houston, we have a problem. Or, I should say that RadFems and Fundies have a problem on their hands. You might have missed it, but the American Psychiatric Association published their position on “transgender and gender variant” people this week… And their position is problematic to the beloved narrative and traditional goals favored by RadFems and Fundies: Long-standing medical and psychiatric […]