My 2012 highlights: January Schadenfreude Anyone? – It turns out that the lawyer trying to do away with trans marriage racked up YET ANOTHER ethics violation! Equality = Bathroom Bills = Rape: Reality Check –RadFems take up the exact same blood-drenched tactics used against them to take aim at trans folk. Nikki Araguz, Jewel Thief […]
I received my 2012 OutSmart blogging award today:
OutSmart Magazine, October 2012 For those of you who don’t know, each year OutSmart Magazine collects nominations and votes from the Houston LGBT community and features winners in their annual Gayest & Greatest issue. Thank you OutSmart Magazine and all of you who nominated and voted for me! This is the second year in a […]
Over the past few weeks, I’ve published a number of historical records that seem to indicate that some of the discussions concerning the historical pedigree of the term ‘transgender’ aren’t 100% accurate. Another thing that I’ve discovered recently is that the drama surrounding our terminology within the trans community seems to be nothing new. Consider […]
As many of you know by now, I’ve recently been interested in uncovering never before considered historical records relating to how the term “transgender” evolved over the years. One often-cited source, claims: As far as we can see, Virginia first used the term ‘transgenderal’ in print in 1969. She does not seem to have used […]