Even though the Virginia Prince fountainhead myth is dead, TS Separatists still promote it as if it were fact. Today, the Separatists over at “GenderReality” tried to set the record straight on trans history. How did they set the record straight? They just asserted their version of reality to be fact and expected all to simply accept their […]
Over the last 24 hours, I’ve spent about 12 of them scanning Phyllis Frye’s 1970s trans documents. I don’t know that I can even put into words how those documents affected me. Most of us don’t know that we all owe Phyllis a debt of gratitude. In Houston, we trace our community back to Phyllis. On the […]
Protections will allow men to dress as women “… in order to perpetrate crimes of homicide, rape, robbery [and] assault…” Sound familiar? It sounds like the arguments of TS Separatism and Religious Fundamentalists, doesn’t it? Actually, this quote is 40 years old and comes from a pamphlet published by a religious fundamentalist group campaigning against the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). While this […]
This post is a collection of randomness that didn’t warrant its own post; so, I thought I’d lump it all together here… Dana Lane Taylor took down her site after I issued my challenge: After defending the show, ABC’s Work It was canceled and replaced with reruns. . Some YouTube comments I’ve gotten this week: “oh my god fuckin freaks, […]
As some of you might recall, in September TFA helped a transgender Houston Community College (HCC) student initiate an investigation after she was referred to as a “freak” in her English class. The comment was made during a classroom discussion of a paper written by the instructor, Donny Leveston, entitled “Taboo: Incest and Homoeroticism” in […]
The Houston Press just came out with their much more PC version of this blog post title, “Turkey of the Year.” Unfortunately, I didn’t think that Turkey of the Year properly conveyed the disgusting behavior of this Houston Independent School District Board member, Manuel Rodriguez Jr. So, instead of calling him a turkey, I’m going […]
So, the cancer that is the American right wing has infected Canada. An “institute” has begun a misinformation campaign that claims that kids can catch transsexualism from books. According to this “institute,” if kids learn about “intersexed” and two-spirited Native people, it will trigger a psychological break that will inexorably lead to them turning into […]
I recently blogged about a Houston Community College (HCC) instructor that instigated anti-trans bullying in his classroom. A transgender student sat stunned in Donny Leveston’s classroom as he handed out tranny porn educational material to the students. Here’s a sample of what the instructor handed out to his students: The student said to me: I […]