Victoria Brownworth, self proclaimed “award winning” TERF journalist (though she calls herself RadFem), hates me. Like, a lot. I wrote the following factual account of how she used her privilege to coerce a trans minor (actions Brownworth herself describes as both creepy and wrong) to expose his genitals to her: Gawking at TransKid’s Genitalia is […]
I want to take a moment to thank the lesbians in Sheila Jeffreys’ community for pioneering transsexual surgery. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] This is from an interview I did with the out gay individual who collaborated with with the lesbians from Jefferys’ community to create the first gender treatment center in […]
For the past month, the adults of San Antonio have been wringing their collective hands in very public displays of “concern” over a city ordinance that would extend equality to *gasp* trans citizens. While the notion of trans/cis equality has set the adult’s tongues awaggin, their children already extend this equality to trans children. San […]
6/5/13, 8:30 PM UPDATE: I’ve spoken with Senior Vice President of Communications at SiriusXM and they have made it clear that they don not support the comments of the Lex and Terry show and have taken steps, via an official statement (see below), to distance SiriusXM from the show. [hr color=”light-gray” width=”90%” border_width=”1px” ] Sirius […]
At its core, Thompson’s argument — and Vogel’s — is essentially based on gender identity and socialization. It contends that being assigned female at birth is a life experience that differs from that of being assigned male. “The internal struggles and social pressures are different,” says Thompson. “We live in a patriarchy. That is still […]
Will the real Brennan please stand up? Many trans folk are aware of Brennan for her attempts to overturn trans equality protections, her targeting, outing and trans-shaming of non-cis folk and for claiming that cis privilege doesn’t exist because not all butch lesbians can access all the privilege that comes from not being trans. About […]
Apparently I’ve made the big time. I discovered that GallusMag, self-identified RadFem (TERF), RadFem opinion leader and co-founder of RadFemHub, has attempted to troll me on her infamous TERF blog, GenderTrender. According to GallusMag, I have huge sweaty balls, I’m a man, I hate lesbians and gays, I hate feminists most of all, I have […]
The trans community has asked itself recently why the supposed watchdog of extremist hate-groups – The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) – has historically given Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) a pass. I wondered too and I decided to ask them about it. Here’s my the FaceBook email exchange: ME: April 23, 1:48 PM Why do you endorse hate group […]