While the first half of the article titled There Is No Reason to Deny Trans People Necessary Medical Care does a good job at deconstructing the fraudulent, entitled and obtuse assertions featured in a recient NY Times piece, it is the latter half of the article that, I felt, is useful as a compacted overview of […]
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I gave a presentation with Sandy Jones (HACS) on Substance Use issues within the trans population at a conference today. Here’s the intro from the handout: Working with transgender clients can raise fundamental questions of policy. A trans client’s presence can challenge long held assumptions and belief systems about the very nature of gender. Not […]
I’ve seen so many arguments and misunderstandings pop up over the conflation of these THREE dimensions of what we collectively refer to as gender: Gender Orientation: One’s subjective experience of one’s own physical sex. Gender Identity: One’s culturally influenced identification of one’s sex within the context of a social grouping. Gender Expression: One’s situational expression of cultural ques which […]
The above represents practically all that’s wrong about the transgender coinage myth that’s been propagated over the last 20 years. Let me just put that myth to rest with 3 simple bullet points: Here’s the trans+gender lexical compound being used in 1965 to describe transsexuals. Here’s a 1975 newspaper article from a trans leader reporting that “transgenderist” […]