Category: Theory

Sex Essentialists don’t understand materialist analysis

I spent a few days trying to reason with a sex essentialist activist regarding their ideological claims, clearly pulled straight from the quagmire of confusion that is Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist analysis. Here’s the materialist logic I tried (and I believe failed) to get the sex essentialist activist to grasp: Thoughts about sex and the material […]

Talking Dworkin with trans folks who were taught to hate her

I’m sharing this Reddit conversation since it covers the way trans people were taught to view Andrea Dworkin (and radical feminists, in general). In response to a post from The Conversations Project, Transcience wrote: I reply: Suchega_Uber responded, saying that while my response was illuminating, it really didn’t deal with the idea that if society […]

A trans feminist perspective on the NY Times piece

While the first half of the article titled There Is No Reason to Deny Trans People Necessary Medical Care does a good job at deconstructing the fraudulent, entitled and obtuse assertions featured in a recient NY Times piece, it is the latter half of the article that, I felt, is useful as a compacted overview of […]

#TERFpatriarchy, Germaine Greer and Radical Feminism

I have, on several occasions, pointed out the difference between actual Radical Feminism and a type of patriarchy that’s sold as “Radical Feminism.” This patriarchy is called Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism (TERF). Perhaps the biggest difference between Radical Feminism and TERF ideology is that TERFs believe in certain sexed essences which authentically, naturally and self-evidently marks one […]

“Gender Critical Feminism” = Heteronormative Sex Essentialism

Gender Critical Feminism (GCF) is a euphemism for TERF. There is no ideological difference between the TERF and “Gender Critical Feminist” (GCF) movement; they are one in the same. GCF teaches that because sex is a natural binary, intersex people are actually just deformed men and women and trans people are always the sex they were assigned […]

Gender Orientation, Identity and Expression

I’ve seen so many arguments and misunderstandings pop up over the conflation of these THREE dimensions of what we collectively refer to as gender: Gender Orientation: One’s subjective experience of one’s own physical sex. Gender Identity: One’s culturally influenced identification of one’s sex within the context of a social grouping. Gender Expression: One’s situational expression of cultural ques which […]

Trans Community: Sense of Community?

There’s now a short survey looking at the sense of community within the trans community. A sense of community is tied to everything from one’s overall wellbeing to the efficacy of health interventions. In fact, community is so important, the APA has a specific division focusing exclusively on community psychology. For more info on this […]


I was wasting some time and stopped by, saw this and thought it was so funny that I had to take a screenshot. Anyway, I thought I would share this with you all: So what is so interesting about this page you might ask? Irony says I! “Samsara” is the Buddhist term for the state […]

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