Someone recently asked me to breakdown the link between the TERF opinion leader Janice Raymond and insurance policies that exclude trans care. Here’s the link to the original article. This article meticulously exposes a few less than truthful fact assertions Raymond has made, but it’s quite long. So, here’s the TL;DR article excerpt version: It was […]
I have a story that will be coming out sometime this month and it comes from several hours of interviews I did with members of the Lesbian Avengers. They told me about what happened to their group back in 1999, when a mob of violent Michigan Womyn’s Music Fest (MWMF) TERFs held a trans kid against […]
This is a quick reference guide to the development of the trans+gender lexical compound: 1960s 1965: Transgenderism = Transsexual 1969: Transgenderal = Full-Time Non-Op 1970s 1970: Transgendered = Transsexual 1974: Transgender = Umbrella Term 1974: Transgender = Umbrella Term 1975: Transgenderism = Umbrella Term 1975: Transgender = Cross-gender 1975: Transgenderism = Umbrella Term 1975: Transgenderist = Part/Full-Time, […]
3/25/12 – Rough Draft: Thoughts on this rough draft are appreciated! While the thesis will remain (meme transference and diffusion via opinion leaders) I’ll continue cleaning up typos and structure for a bit. If you feel that I need to cover something that I’m not covering or that I need to cover something differently, please let […]
For the past few months, I’ve made available a number of never-before-considered documents that reviewed the true roots of the word “transgender”. The Myth The term “transgender” was coined by a heterosexual crossdresser chauvinist who hated transsexual people, Virginia Prince. The term was explicitly created to refer to other heterosexual crossdressers like Prince. Therefore, if […]