Category: Civil Rights

Name The Problem

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists defend and excuse possibly criminal access to transkids’ genitals.

DOMA Unconstitutional! So, what does this mean for trans folk in Texas?

DOMA is unconstitutional as a deprivation of the equal liberty of persons that is protected by the Fifth Amendment. By history and tradition the definition and regulation of marriage has been treated as being within the authority and realm of the separate States. Congress has enacted discrete statutes to regulate the meaning of marriage in […]

SiriusXM Broadcasts Support for Trans Murder

6/5/13, 8:30 PM UPDATE: I’ve spoken with Senior Vice President of Communications at SiriusXM and they have made it clear that they don not support the comments of the Lex and Terry show and have taken steps, via an official statement (see below), to distance SiriusXM from the show. [hr color=”light-gray” width=”90%” border_width=”1px” ] Sirius […]

A Shezow Game: Spot the TERF!

Horror of horrors: there’s a cartoon wherein a boy puts on a ring that dresses him up like a female superhero. You just know that’s going to bring out the Right Wing/TERF fringe to proclaim that this show signals… Here’s some reactions. I’ve taken these comments from a well-known right wing blog and a well-known […]

Responding To: Is It Wrong to Perform at Michfest?

At its core, Thompson’s argument — and Vogel’s — is essentially based on gender identity and socialization. It contends that being assigned female at birth is a life experience that differs from that of being assigned male. “The internal struggles and social pressures are different,” says Thompson. “We live in a patriarchy. That is still […]

My Exchange with the Southern Poverty Law Center

  The trans community has asked itself recently why the supposed watchdog of extremist hate-groups – The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) – has historically given Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) a pass. I wondered too and I decided to ask them about it. Here’s my the FaceBook email exchange: ME: April 23, 1:48 PM   Why do you endorse hate group […]

The TERF Appropriation of the Trans Day of Remembrance

A TERF hate-tracking site recently raised a warning that Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) leaders are attempting to appropriate the Trans Day of Remembrance: Cathy Brennan, contributor to the Radfem2013 conference, has sunk to yet a new low.  She is now trying to exploit the death of our sisters (Transgender Day of Remembrance – TDOR)  to further her justification of transphobia. […]

Revisiting ‘the fallacy of cis privilege, again.’

I’ve noticed that TERFs tend to lie. Like, a lot. As in, metric tons of BS. TERFs far and wide are currently gnashing their collective teeth over the reality that their hate-fest conference (#RadFem2013) was booted from its venue for the second year in a row. Instead of being an emotional adult about their situation, they instead […]

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