Category: Civil Rights

A Covenant House Texas Secret Shopper Investigation

Since the Covenant House representative seemed dismissive of much of what we claimed to have observed over the years, I did a little secret shopping today. Mr. Mark is perhaps one of the most hostile people I’ve ever spoken with in a professional capacity.

The Bathroom Police in Houston, Texas

Many of you know that Ms. Moore, a transgender woman, was arrested and thrown in jail for using the bathroom at a Downtown Houston library branch. Many of you don’t know the back-story. Since I’ve now listened to a number or reporters share their misconceptions with me, I thought it was time to set the record straight.

David Welch, Conspiracy Nut?

24 hrs. after my conversation with David Welch, he posted a remarkably paranoid blog post at WorldNetDaily – a far right-wing blog. He waxes on and on about how he thinks that all GLBT people are actually part of a nefarious shadow organization that is attempting to infiltrate small-town america and turn it it Boy’s Town USA. You might think I’m kidding… I’m not. Welch really believes that he lives in a world of gay shadow orgs that want to literally destroy America.

David Welch is Chicken

Yes, that’s right. David Welch – the right-wing fundamentalist golden boy – is nothing more that a big yellow chicken. Since he backed out of debating me again on FOX news, I went on the radio to let people know just how chicken David Welch is. Several people have contacted him asking why he’s afraid to debate me. He, of course, has not responded. Why? Because he’s chicken.

David Welch is Afraid to Debate Me

So, tonight FOX again set up a debate with David Welch and I was slated to debate him. However, he backed out and is refusing to debate me again! Call David and tell him to stop ducking and debate me!

Trans Town Hall Meeting Saturday, October 9

This will be your opportunity to become fully informed and have all your questions and concerns addressed about this case. This town hall meeting will focus on the impact the Heather Delgado v. Nikki Araguz case will have on the overall GLBT community within Texas and beyond.

Warning! Trans attacker is on the streets!

WARNING!! The man who bashed Lance Reyna, well known gay transman, during the week of Pride is out of jail and on the streets! During the vicious attack which sent Lance to the hospital, his attacker called Lance a “queer” and used a knife in the attack. At the time, Lance was wearing pride gear. […]

Missing letter key to finding woman’s murderer, TX, USA Missing letter key to finding woman’s murderer Friday, September 24, 2010 Adela Uchida [VIDEO <> ] HOUSTON (KTRK) — One letter could solve the 8-month-old murder of Myra Ical. But the two-page letter is missing one crucial clue that police need to catch the killer. Houston police homicide investigators say at this […]

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