Gay & Straight Biggots: Arguments Against Being Trans
We’ve heard it all before… The argument from ignorance: All his DNA reflects the fact that he is male, and nothing can change that… – NARTH The false analogy: Why not make race the next frontier? What would be so wrong with people deciding to tattoo themselves dark brown and claim African-American heritage? – FOX […]
Pink Toes & Princess Boys: Fox News Fail
On April 9, I posted on my FaceBook that I thought the new J. Crew ad was kinda cool. At the time, not many people cared enough to even comment: Actually, I hadn’t even heard of it until a right-wing asshat media organization put out an APB: Then, on April 11 – taking their cues […]
As you know, I drove up to the Capitol to testify against a bill that would enshrine Littleton vs. Prange case law into Texas legislative law and strip away the section of current State law in allows a marriage license to be issued to trans people. Watch the video here and hear for yourself the legislative intent behind this bill.
Nikki Araguz Case Update: April 2011
This update covers what’s happening with the Nikki Araguz case: When the next tentative court date is; A review of what was recently covered in the media and how that compares to what was really said; A PWN of Lisa Falkenberg of the Houston Chronicle; Concrete proof that the other side lied to the media; […]
Kill (this) Bill: Texas Legislature on Trans Texans
Saturday and Sunday (3/19 & 3/20) I was at a UCHAPS conference (org that sets national policy on HIV/AIDS) in LA (where I picked up a nasty cold). I got into Houston at midnight – early Monday morning. At 12:15 I got a message on my phone from a lobbyist friend of mine (who works […]
Tea Bag Economics + Republicans = 14,000 Dead
As most of you know, trans folk have some of the highest HIV infection and unemployment rates. Most you also know that if you’re HIV+, you MUST take your HIV medication or else you will die. I’m guessing that many of you have lost loved ones to AIDS… I know I have.
A Covenant House Win!
Over the past week, I’ve struggled with the best way to recount the long and sometimes painful story of how Houston’s Covenant House youth shelter began supporting Houston’s homeless transgender youth population. My own history as an advocate within the transgender community is directly tied to Covenant House’s refusal to shelter homeless transgender youth. I believe it […]