I’ve agonized over this decision since the election as I’ve invested quite a bit of myself into building a safe and supportive community for non-cis folk here in Houston since the 1990s. And yet, here it is: I’m moving out of Texas. I’m the one who convinced the head of Texas DPS policy, Rebecca Blewitt, […]
A keyboard “radical” asked me why Democrats didn’t have a plan B for Harris’ loss. There is no backup plan because she was the last line of defense. Biden messed up when he appointed an AG who was more interested in bending over backwards to give Trump every out possible rather than going after him […]
The KKK would pass out fliers with caricatures of non-heteronormative people, warning the public that people like me were dangerous. I remember the KKK marching in the streets carrying signs that instructed the adults around me to “frag a fag” in order to “save our children.” I also remember when a popular Houston mayoral candidate, Louie Welch said that the best way to address the HIV epidemic would be to “shoot the queers.”
I grew up at a time when the KKK and evangelical leadership teamed up to fight against queer employment equality. I grew up during a time when the KKK would pass out fliers with caricatures of effeminate gay men warning the public that people like that were vile and dangerous
This is Black History month and I find myself thinking of it a bit differently this year. A few months ago, I discovered that some of my great grandparents were enslaved Black folk whose descendants, due to White rape and White supremacy, later tried to pass for White people of Portuguese descent. As a trans […]
I never thought that I would find myself writing a blog post like this, but here it is. I wanted to document what I fear will come to pass as Trump considers his choice: Do whatever it takes to maintain the power of the presidency; or, Oversee a fair election and transfer of power to […]
An American CNN journalist interviewed me about the differences between TERFs and radical feminists, and I thought the interview went really well. Unfortunately, the UK version of CNN took the story and apparently reinterpreted what I’d said to the US journalist and, the end product was, at least to my eyes, near incomprehensible. Below is […]
I was, and still am, a huge Beto fan and while I’d hoped that he’d win, I wasn’t expecting it. In fact, since the last Dem was beaten by Cruz by 16 points, I thought that it would be remarkable if Beto came within 10 points while hoping for 5. In fact, he came in […]