Nature & Art Meet
Well, on this trip I discovered one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen:
Well, on this trip I discovered one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen:
Well, on this trip I discovered one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen:
So, today was really casual. I went out to my grandmother’s to visit for a little bit – which was nice. On my way back, I saw a couple of scenes that made me want to dig out my camera: Both scenes seemed a bit dark and a bit foreboding and each were directly across […]
A Texas dust storm up close and personal
There are 3 dirty white with stripped tails and gray ears, 1 black with gray marbling and 1 solid back with white socks. How can you possibly pass up on all of that kawaisa?!? You know they are already up on all of the TG stuff too, so no worries there! They only just opened their eyes, so their cute factor is sure to shoot through the roof
The Buddha asked Malunkyaputta to imagine a man who had been wounded by a poisoned arrow. The Buddha told him to them imagine that the wounded man’s friends and relatives sent for a surgeon but when the surgeon arrives, the wounded man says: ‘I will not let the surgeon pull out this arrow until I know whether the man who wounded me was a noble or a brahmin (priest), or a merchant or a worker…tall, short, or middle height…brown or golden-skinned…whether he lives in such a village or town or city…whether the bow that wounded me was a long bow or a cross bow…’ and so on.
I was going to file my petition far name and gender change that day with a friend. I had thought this day would never come. Never was about how soon I could scrape together the money to get my name and gender change. I was caught up in a catch-22 that many find themselves in: they can’t get a job because they have a the wrong gender marked on their license, but they can’t get it changed because they don’t have the money to pay for a lawyer because they can’t get work.
I was going to file my petition far name and gender change that day with a friend. I had thought this day would never come. Never was about how soon I could scrape together the money to get my name and gender change. I was caught up in a catch-22 that many find themselves in: they can’t get a job because they have a the wrong gender marked on their license, but they can’t get it changed because they don’t have the money to pay for a lawyer because they can’t get work.