

I was wasting some time and stopped by, saw this and thought it was so funny that I had to take a screenshot. Anyway, I thought I would share this with you all: So what is so interesting about this page you might ask? Irony says I! “Samsara” is the Buddhist term for the state […]

Top 10 Vampire Book Series

Top 10 Vampire Book Series: The common thread they all share is that they are all captivating reads of the type that will made me want to stay up night reading regardless of what time I had to get up the next morning. If you like being entertained, captivated and even enthralled, these are the series for you…

Abstracts 3 and 4

Last night I got fed up with having my apartment stuck in the same decor, so I moved some thing around. I really love how the painting I did looks. It really ties the room together quite nicely I think. So, I did two other paintings while I was going through some turmoil a couple […]

Faith and Belief

Since I’m a Buddhist, I like hearing Dharma talks and since I listened to the following talk, I’m thinking about my primary beliefs and where they came from. In Buddhism, one of the main ideas is that one should never accept anything upon faith. No holy teachings, no teacher and no philosophy should ever be […]

Community Linguistics: The Great Divide

I believe people choose to personalize terminology. I think folks tend to build a weak sense of self upon a term like “transsexual” and they find they require consistent outside reassurance of their sense of self as a this or a that. It is for this reason I think that people take it personally when someone says transgender instead of transsexual, crossdresser, interesexed, gender-queer, etc. I think the problem with all of this is that the English language is not a dead language; terms evolve and become ever more complex through nuanced usage. The concept is more important than the label and I think that people forget that when their sense of personhood is rooted in a term they expect to stay fixed. Not only do I think tI think this practice does real harm.

20 Best Vampire Movies of All Time

Top 20 Best Vampire Movies of All Time: For each, I’ve included an IMDb synopsis, relevant links, photos, my thoughts and, if available, a link that will allow you to watch it online. They are to be visually striking (in parts at least), deal with philosophical questions about the nature of existence (faith, consciousness, will, innate personas, etc) and tends to stay away from the cape-and-sash stereotype. I liked these movies because they had heart, were artistically appealing and/or were refreshingly original.

Galveston, Texas

Carolyn called me around 4 to see if I wanted to do a trip down to Galveston for the evening. The first thing we did was to stop at the ruins of the pirate, Jean Lafitte’s home. As seems to be our karma, Carolyn and I found ourselves exploring yet another creepy place. The ruins […]

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