While I had posted this to my FB a little while back, I forgot to post it to my blog. Here’s the most recient painting I’ve completed: “A Ghost in the Machine” I’ve loved the move “Ghost in the Shell” for the deep philosophical questions and implications the movie explores. This painting was inspired by […]
This video corrects of few misconceptions about why the Nikki Araguz case is so important to the trans community, reviews the history of how the media has dealt with gender queer news and reviews how the media spin has played out in the GLBT community:
This video corrects of few misconceptions about why the Nikki Araguz case is so important to the trans community, reviews the history of how the media has dealt with gender queer news and reviews how the media spin has played out in the GLBT community:
This case is about whether or not Nikki is legally a man. If the court finds that Nikki is legally a man, it will apply to you, me and the people you love and care about as well. Worse, should this become case-law, it can be used in other states around the nation.
An open letter to Lisa Falkenberg: I’ve attended the last two hearings in the Nikki Araguz case. I noticed that you weren’t there. I also couldn’t help but notice the editorial you wrote in the Houston Chronicle. Of course I’m miffed at your yellow journalist skills, but not to worry… You’re in good company!
I know that the below Houston financial supporters of Prop 8 are likely proud of helping take away GLBT civil rights, so I’ve decided to acknowledge them for their efforts. Listed are their names, zip codes, the amount they gave and the date they gave in support of prop 8. JARED PACE 77044 $250.00 10/11/2008 […]
If I purchase a CD, I can listen to it on any player, computer or in my car. If I purchase the exact same content in a digital download format, I apparently have to deal with Big Corporate Brother telling me what device I can and can’t use. Furthermore, to use the particular device I want, it seems that I have to beg Big Corporate Brother to let me do it… when it’s convenient for them.
I just finished this one: