
David Welch is Chicken

Yes, that’s right. David Welch – the right-wing fundamentalist golden boy – is nothing more that a big yellow chicken. Since he backed out of debating me again on FOX news, I went on the radio to let people know just how chicken David Welch is. Several people have contacted him asking why he’s afraid to debate me. He, of course, has not responded. Why? Because he’s chicken.

David Welch is Afraid to Debate Me

So, tonight FOX again set up a debate with David Welch and I was slated to debate him. However, he backed out and is refusing to debate me again! Call David and tell him to stop ducking and debate me!

Anti-GLBT Bullying by Covenant House Staff Continues!

I hear that recently Covenant House Houston chose to room a trans kid. While this is a step in the right directions, I’m still encountering problems with them almost daily. Every day we have kids who come to shower, do their clothes, get something to eat, etc who complain about Covenant House Houston prejudicial treatment […]

Trans Town Hall Meeting Saturday, October 9

This will be your opportunity to become fully informed and have all your questions and concerns addressed about this case. This town hall meeting will focus on the impact the Heather Delgado v. Nikki Araguz case will have on the overall GLBT community within Texas and beyond.

Warning! Trans attacker is on the streets!

WARNING!! The man who bashed Lance Reyna, well known gay transman, during the week of Pride is out of jail and on the streets! During the vicious attack which sent Lance to the hospital, his attacker called Lance a “queer” and used a knife in the attack. At the time, Lance was wearing pride gear. […]

Houston Chronicle Story

Here’s the link to the stroy: I thought the story was fairly good… though… I didn’t know that my story would be so prominent.  That kinda feels strange. Also, when I saw the print version, I did a faceplam. They used the photo in the online version, but squished it down and stretched it out so that it would be […]

Missing letter key to finding woman’s murderer, TX, USA Missing letter key to finding woman’s murderer Friday, September 24, 2010 Adela Uchida [VIDEO <> ] HOUSTON (KTRK) — One letter could solve the 8-month-old murder of Myra Ical. But the two-page letter is missing one crucial clue that police need to catch the killer. Houston police homicide investigators say at this […]

A review of TG culture through the medium of Pwnage

This is my first attempt at mixing my own animations into one of my videos. This is basically a low-key PWNage video covering the topics of trans & gender causality, the definition of the word “transgender”, TG history and the benefits of being part of this thing we call transgender 🙂

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