This update covers what’s happening with the Nikki Araguz case: When the next tentative court date is; A review of what was recently covered in the media and how that compares to what was really said; A PWN of Lisa Falkenberg of the Houston Chronicle; Concrete proof that the other side lied to the media; […]
Saturday and Sunday (3/19 & 3/20) I was at a UCHAPS conference (org that sets national policy on HIV/AIDS) in LA (where I picked up a nasty cold). I got into Houston at midnight – early Monday morning. At 12:15 I got a message on my phone from a lobbyist friend of mine (who works […]
A friend and I were out on an extended motorcycle ride when we unexpectedly came upon an abandoned mansion in Galveston, Texas. After exploring and taking photos, I came pack home and began doing research on the mansion. The history of this mansion and the land its built upon is quite unique. This history includes […]
As most of you know, trans folk have some of the highest HIV infection and unemployment rates. Most you also know that if you’re HIV+, you MUST take your HIV medication or else you will die. I’m guessing that many of you have lost loved ones to AIDS… I know I have. Live TV : Ustream
I have to admit that I felt a bit like Lara Croft while getting my shots for this photo essay. Last night I read that there was supposed to be a large family tomb that had been built over, but is still somewhat accessible in downtown Houston. Of course this rumor caught my attention and so I began researching. […]
Near downtown Houston, there is an enormous graveyard full of slaves, confederate solders, members of secrete societies and even a mass grave containing the jumbled remains of victims from the 1867 yellow fever outbreak. This purportedly haunted grave yard has designated places for “Paupers, Negroes, Families and those that committed suicide or died in a […]
I give up. I’ve tried time and time again to dialogue with those in the transsexuals aren’t transgender camp! Every time I try to instigate a dialogue, they flip out. First, I notice that the TS-not-TG camp loves to segregate the trans community into a TS/IS (IS = intersex) camp and crossdressers + everyone […]