
The KKK, Passing, Race, & Gender

I grew up at a time when the KKK and evangelical leadership teamed up to fight against queer employment equality. I grew up during a time when the KKK would pass out fliers with caricatures of effeminate gay men warning the public that people like that were vile and dangerous

Another cool thing

You know, it’s a cool thing to wake up and find something like this in the morning. It helps to offset the Q-level ranting that I tend to get from people who are convinced that I’m being paid by George Soros to trick all the little children into deciding to not be cisgender anymore.

Cool thing to wake up to

Unfortunately, my contact form was misconfigured and did not send the sender’s email. I fondly remember everything this person describes and am so very happy to hear that she is doing well! Thank you for contacting me and for letting me know how you’re doing!

BHM: Acknowledging my Black ancestors

This is Black History month and I find myself thinking of it a bit differently this year. A few months ago, I discovered that some of my great grandparents were enslaved Black folk whose descendants, due to White rape and White supremacy, later tried to pass for White people of Portuguese descent. As a trans […]

Russian vs African

My Russian tortoise is trying to dominate the foot of my African tortoise.

It gets worse

I never thought that I would find myself writing a blog post like this, but here it is. I wanted to document what I fear will come to pass as Trump considers his choice: Do whatever it takes to maintain the power of the presidency; or, Oversee a fair election and transfer of power to […]

CNN interviewed me and they got it all wrong.

An American CNN journalist interviewed me about the differences between TERFs and radical feminists, and I thought the interview went really well. Unfortunately, the UK version of CNN took the story and apparently reinterpreted what I’d said to the US journalist and, the end product was, at least to my eyes, near incomprehensible. Below is […]

I’m fat, but I identify as skinny: cultural ontology.

I recently saw that this meme was apparently making its rounds in alt-right and TERF circles, and while I know they meant this to be a pithy blow against “trans ideology” (whatever that means), it makes an excellent (unintentional) point about the essentialist ontology they always apply to trans people, but nowhere else. For instance, […]

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