
Bigots Unite! Deploying the Klan Fallacy in 3… 2… 1…

It’s happened. The H-BSers, the RadPhlems and the people who DEFENDED Prop 8 have untied as one voice to proclaim that pre/non-op transwomen as a group are 1.) icky because 2.) they’re actually men, and therefore 3.) a danger to cisgender women. “Now, it’s a Right Wing Organization that is standing up for Women and […]

Jan 2, 2013: Republicans, Transgender People, HIV & Death

So, you know how awesome the GOP is for coming up with the Sequestration on January 2? If that happens, this is what WILL occur in HIV:  15,708 people would lose access to crucial life-saving drugs and die.  4,738 households would lose housing support.  460 AIDS research grants would be eliminated. Republicans will return America […]

GOP: The Party of Rape >:(

Richard Mourdock: “I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.” What a stupid fucking statement. You know what’s worse? The National Republican senatorial committee chairman John Cornyn voiced his support for Mourdock and added that he also believes “life is a gift […]

Lana Wachowski: In Her Own Words

Years later I find the courage to admit that I am transgender and this doesn’t mean that I am unlovable. I meet a woman, the first person that has made me understand that they love me not in spite of my difference but because of it. She is the first person to see me as a whole […]

A Grateful Life

Sometimes I feel so amazingly grateful for my life – even in the midst of all the difficulties, stressors and hardships. As I write this, I’m on a airplane heading back to Houston from New York. I just spent the weekend reviewing national epidemiological trends and how those trends are being responded to by government […]

Jennifer Usher Being Jennifer Usher

It was brought to my attention that I – well, not me… a rhetorical strawman a troll claims to be me – was the subject of yet another post. Jennifer Usher claims to be critiquing my critique of Serano’s assertion which asserts that noting that I’m a trans[pause]woman is good while noting that I’m MTF […]

Who Is Queer?

First of all, the question I’m about to ask isn’t about setting up boundaries, gatekeepers or telling someone what they can/can’t identify as. I’m simply curious about how the queer community views what it means to be queer. So, with that in mind, here’s the question: Q: Can a 100% heterosexual person also be queer? […]

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