It was a good TG CAB meeting. We got a lot done! I am so proud of everyone on the TG Board! What a dynamic, dedicated… and diverse group (FTM, MTF who are HIV+, HIV-, younger, older, steeped in the community & green to the community, European-American, Hispanic-American & African-American)! They have managed to put […]
I’m tired today. It seems as though it has been a really long day! And the rain… it just keep coming! The Thursday Night TG Potluck Social was eventful. I saw a lot of folks there that had not ever come before – which was nice! I have committee meetings all day tomorrow… 1st Performance Improvement […]
I went from boardroom meetings, to seeing a dying friend in a hospice, to programming and website design. I have had a rocky connection with Brenda Thomas. She has always called herself “… the BITCH with a capital B.” She would introduce herself like that on microphone at conferences. And she was too. She had […]
I have to make it short. I need to get to bed, but it has been so long since I posted anything, I thought I should do it. I fly out to DC in the morning. From what I can gather, I am supposed to give some sort of presentation on the TG program. I […]
Today was Thanksgiving. It was the best Thanksgiving I have ever had with my family. My grandmother called me him 3 times and then apologized to me for it. I think my brother referred to me as him once. However, this was the first year I feel I looked normal. In other words, this was […]
Well… who knew my life would turn out like this? Only folk who knew me pre-transition and even 6 months ago could fully appreciate the impact of the following statements: I have a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend who takes me places and introduces me as his girlfriend. I have a boyfriend who likes […]
Houston Area Trans Community
I think that, perhaps one person’s life can be perceived as a journey of many journeys. Beginning and the middle and finally, the end of that beginning… and the beginning of the next ending, and so forth. I am coming to the end of the beginning of this moment in time I have chosen to […]