Author: Cristan

Mold, love and truth

I thought I would blog a bit tonight. I’m in Atlanta right now and will be here until Wednesday. I spoke with my brother about his continued use of “He” and “Him” on Tuesday. Five years ago he told me that I would always be a man no matter what I did to myself. I […]

Well-meaning A-Hole of the Week: Victor Hay of Covenant House Houston

Today, I got a call from a school counselor. She had a student who was being kicked out of her home because she was transgender. The kid is 18 years old. I call Victor Hay who runs intake for Covenant House Houston. Here is the basic phone conversation I had: Me: (explains the situation) Hay: Yes we […]


It is amazing how the repercussions of hate can echo throughout a lifetime to culminate into another death of a trans-person. As far as I know Caisha (Christine), if not dead already, will be dead very soon – unless something drastic happens. I pulled out all the stops to support an end to this story […]

After The Party

Just got back from Vanity’s Halloween Party: I shot a lot of pics as well as a video. I’ll try to got all of that up ASAP!

Houston TDOR Victim

Well, this week is crammed full of activity.  I have a site I just got commissioned to do for a consulting firm, the City of Houston’s Dept of Public Health just asked me to produce their ad campaign for print media, I have 2 new evidence-based STD interventions specifically for TGs due to be released […]


Malice… I looked this word up on Wordnet and it gave the following definition: feeling a need to see others suffer.  I’ve noticed several old views rear their ugly heads to spread the notion of us verses them within the community lately.  For some reason, someone I knew told me in a sideways manner that they thought that I […]

This week has been about cultivating losses

“Strictly speaking, there are no enlightened people, only enlightened actions.” – Suzuki Roshi This week has been about cultivating losses. It has been about bowing to or greeting the entanglements, confusions and beauties of life with an openness. The gift of this past few painful weeks has been an acceptance… a letting go or opening […]

Whatta Week!

So many things going on I don’t know where to begin. I have several deadlines looming over my head at the moment and I’m under some pressure from many sides at the moment. So, I’m trying to pace myself and juggle all that needs to be juggled while smiling brightly : ) This week has […]

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