Yesterday I saw something I’ve not seen in years: You know, I even have one of those silver-head 101 KLOL t-shirts in the back of my closet. After Clearchanel bought it, didn’t they turn 101 into a Tajano station? I spotted this old house today. I pass by it all the time, but I’ve just […]
Did you know that there’s a ghost town just a few hundred feet from downtown Houston?
Some of you might remember Ruth Jacobs from her public smack-down in DC. She tried to argue that gay men had a high HIV infection rate and therefore should not be allowed to marry. Watching her argument get pulled apart would be almost painful if it were not for the fact that the good doctor seems to be oblivious to her own ineptitude.
I wanted to see what sort of countries spend the most time searching for the term “shemales” on google. To make it interesting, I compared the search trends between “transgender” and “shemale.” What I found was interesting!
The TFA Board will be meeting this month and one of the things the Board will discuss is the short-term and long-term future for a transgender center in Houston. Before going further with this post, I want to address a criticism of the very idea of a TG Center in Houston. The criticism goes something […]
What is it with Korean movies? This is like the 5th one I’ve watched that puts Hollywood to shame. Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall… and Spring, Four Iron, Old Boy, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and now, Lady Vengeance… wow. I mean, how do they come up with such great writers, directors and cinematographers over there?
Carolyn and I decided to go to on of the old cemeteries on Galveston. What follows are some pictures I took while we were there: – Carolyn sitting on a tombstone. – A close-up of grave moss Below are some pics I took of the gravyard… – This is a statue of Jesus and baby… […]
I promised I would post Carolyn’s pics of her ghostly encounter. For those of you that didn’t want to read my monster blog entry from Sunday, let me recap: Carolyn put her keys down and when she came back to them, they were balanced in a seemingly improbably way: The possibility of randomly balancing this […]