Author: Cristan

I’m the Eccentric Aunt!

I spent the day with my family. I brought my grandmother over to my brother’s house and spent the day with everyone. It just so happened that today was the birthday of one of the kids. My brother suggested that I get him a “Cristan gift“. It was at that moment that I figured out […]

Gay & Straight Biggots: Arguments Against Being Trans

There are a number of folks out their claiming that being trans is bad, made up, unnatural, sick, perverted or a function of profound psychological deficiency. These folks generally like to pass themselves off as having some sort of special insight into the trans experience. Here, I contrast the usual anti-trans comments with those from […]

Gay & Straight Biggots: Arguments Against Being Trans

We’ve heard it all before… The argument from ignorance: All his DNA reflects the fact that he is male, and nothing can change that… – NARTH The false analogy: Why not make race the next frontier? What would be so wrong with people deciding to tattoo themselves dark brown and claim African-American heritage? – FOX […]

Pink Toes & Princess Boys: Fox News Fail

On April 9, I posted on my FaceBook that I thought the new J. Crew ad was kinda cool. At the time, not many people cared enough to even comment: Actually, I hadn’t even heard of it until a right-wing asshat media organization put out an APB: Then, on April 11 – taking their cues […]

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