Author: Cristan

Transgender VS Transsexual: Round 2

Since my last post on this issue, I’ve met a few really cool folks in the “TS-not-TG” camp. I was fortunate enough to meet one transsexual named Zoe. We messaged back and forth for some time over FaceBook and she really helped me to better understand where she’s coming from. And you know what, I […]

Nikki Araguz: Justice FAIL

Intro to FAIL Nikki’s mother recently sent me an email in which she gives voice to some of the many issues I have with the way this whole drama unfolded. Since she said a number of things which I wholeheartedly agree with, I posed it so that all can read what Nikki’s mother had to […]

Note from Nikki Araguz’s Mother

This is a copy of the note Nikki’s mother sent to the judge today. It sums up a lot of the questionable behavior on the part of Heather Delgado’s side fairly nicely. To: Honorable Judge Randy M. Clapp 329th Judicial District Court 100 S. Fulton, Suite 200 Wharton, TX 77488 Via email: Cassie Ritter, Court […]

Some Personal Updates

I’ve not been able to be as active as I’d like to be over the past couple of weeks. My grandmother was sent to the ER with heart failure and double pneumonia. She was extremely sick. Last week I found out that unless she undergoes open heart surgery to replace a valve, she will die […]

Senator Williams isn’t happy with YOU!

Can you imagine how frustrated this Senatorial bully feels? He’s done everything he can do to make your life and the lives of the people your care about more difficult and YOU have stopped him in his tracks! . . He tried to sneak SB 723 through committee without alerting anyone and with only a […]

SB 723: Resurection and Fallout

Williams Knows Best Texas Senator Williams (R –Woodlands) has made it clear that he is an extremist who believes that politicians should get to decide what sex you are. If your child is intersex, he believes that his opinion counts more than the informed counsel of medical, psychological and/or genetic specialists. He thinks he knows […]

A straight man bashed for gender presentation


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