Author: Cristan

My How Times Change for Trans Activists!

Back in 1978, Anita Bryant – anti-queer bigot extraordinar- came to Houston to bolster anti-queer sentiment. She spoke at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Houston. Tomorrow, Judge Phyllis Frye will be honored at the HCDP’s 2011 Brunch Honoring LGBT Trailblazers at the same Hyatt Regency that once hosted our nation’s anti-queer poster child when she […]

April Ashley and Coccinelle

Two of my favorite larger than life early transsexual women are April Ashley and Coccinelle. Both are significant to trans history. I was reading through the Ashley’s hilarious biography again and had to share a passage: A few months before the Italian tour, Coccinelle had vanished. When she reappeared she was smirking her head off. […]

The REAL “Response” in Houston, Texas to Hate, Bigotry and Murder

While Perry and his 3 ring circus of anti-queer hate is gearing up to congratulate each other for passing the buck to Yahweh Elohim in what he’s calling “The Response”, the GLBT community in Houston came together to remember those we have lost to hate and to dedicate a small garden as a lasting place […]

The Problem of Evidence for TS Separatists

I recently did a 2-part article for the Bilerico Project on Trans History and how it is relevant to some of the debates taking place on the internet over language . Starting off the article I noted: Additionally, I’ve noticed that there are a number of distinct arguments going on. They seem to be blending […]

Trans Terminology: Ambisextrous ca. 1917

The trans community continues to create words in order to capture the nuances of cultural gender roles, our physical sex and the entire experience of transitioning. Developing terminology to deal with all of this nuanced and subjective experience isn’t anything new for the trans community or for society as a whole. Consider the term, “ambisextorous”… […]

Best of Separatist Derp

I just had to share this thread with all of you rational people out there to highlight more of the irrational burbelings put forth by some of the TS Separatists. As many of you know, I’ve done a lot of fact-checking recently and I’ve found that many of the narratives promoted by Separatists are simply […]

Mythbusting: Transgender Colonization

Despite what you’ve heard from the so-called ‘TS Separatists’, it doesn’t seem as if transsexuals were “colonized” at all. The Data, Part 1 Consider the following dataset: – click graph to enlarge – What is this you might ask? This is a comparison of the following 5 terms: Transgender People (light blue) Transsexual People (red) […]

Anti-Gay Letter Attacks Annise Parker

It was only a matter of time really: Dave Wilson is sending anti-gay letters to Houstonians attacking Annise Parker. Wilson, you may remember, is the homophobic electrician who sent 35,000 flyers to Houston homes during the 2009 elections with a picture of Parker’s swearing in for her previous position as City Comptroller, her partner Kathy […]

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