As some of you know, I’ve been involved in HIV prevention on the local and national level for a few years now. Today I’m in Atlanta, GA for a UCHAPS meeting and… I’m pissed. I’ve watched as cold-hearted tea bagging idiots have systematically sought to pay for corporate tax breaks with the blood of our […]
Dana Taylor vs Cristan Williams I agree with a recent commenter: @ Dana and Cristan. This is getting absurd. Please call each other on the phone and discuss these issues. Texting is fraught with perils. You may disagree with each other but at least if you can have a civil voice conversation you both ought […]
UPDATE: On May 5, 2012, Dana posted the following in in a blog post: I just had an email exchange with Cathy Brennan that didn’t turn out like I thought it would. I found out she doesn’t give a shit about me..and never did. I guess Dana finally understands the outrage many of us felt […]
For 24 hours in Houston, the biker, GLBT, atheist and non-fundi faith communities came together to protest hate. This is a short video from some of the protests that went on last weekend. I thought it was really amazing to have such diverse groups working together against hate!
Thirty-one years ago today, Judge Phyllis Frye – the first openly trans judge in Texas – was able to get the Houston crossdressing ordinance overturned: – Click to for detail – Thank you Phyllis for everything you’ve done… from pioneering the field of transgender law through ICLEPT to making it safer for trans folk to […]
It hasn’t been but 2 days since I reviewed the disguising way in which TS Separatists have taken up abhorrent fallacies and used it as a weapon against an oppressed people. If that wasn’t enough to expose this ideology as being morally bankrupt, the following exchange should settle the debate. Suzan is another opinion leader […]
Note: Dana has been VERY CLEAR that she NO LONGER holds these views and has expressed great regret for working with RadFems in the past. I was recently made aware of a disgusting revival of some of the same Raymondiod fallacies that has been used against trans people since the 1970s. This time the TS […]
I went from hanging out with elected officials at the LGBT “Response” to Rick Perry’s Response to hanging out with several 100 bikers confronting the Westboro Baptist Church’s event to thank god for murdered US soldiers. In the middle of it all, I got to hang out with none other than AronRa (yes, you aren’t […]