Author: Cristan

Anti-Trans UN Letter: A MUST Read!

If you read my blog, you will already know that I’ve condemned the Brennan-Hungerford anti-trans UN letter in, what is for me, the strongest way possible. I noted how closely their claims match the well-worn unsupported anti-trans claims made by hate groups and right-wing zealots. I also had some things to say about transsexuals who […]

Clear Channel Eats Crow

Here’s the text of the Clear Channel apology letter: We would like to apologize for remarks made on KTBZ that has caused distress to people in the Houston Transgender Community. We addressed the insensitivity of both content presented on air with our staff and the manner in which we responded to concerned members in the […]

94.5 “The Buzz” Anti-Trans Rants

I’ve received a few reports from local trans folk who state that during their morning show, 94.5 engaged in anti-trans rants. During these rants, station staff members purposefully used incorrect pronouns and repeatedly referred to trans people using the term, “it”. I sent an email to station managers this morning and am waiting for their […]

Trans Community: Sense of Community?

There’s now a short survey looking at the sense of community within the trans community. A sense of community is tied to everything from one’s overall wellbeing to the efficacy of health interventions. In fact, community is so important, the APA has a specific division focusing exclusively on community psychology. For more info on this […]

The Jennifer Shuffle

If you’ve posted on the topic of separatism and you seem to be pro-inclusion or you come off as being a non-extreme separatist, the you may have had an encounter with a troll named “Just Jennifer.” She seems to pass her time either blog rants which are basically one long ad hom attack. She seems […]

Conversation Between a Separatist and an Inclusionist

As some of you know, I had invited Dana Taylor to do a discussion on BlogTV. While she declined (she said she didn’t trust me) Deena was willing to take her place. Here’s the raw video clips from the conversation. BlogTV only lets me record in 10 min. increments, so there’s some conversation missing between […]

Trans Terms History and Context

I’m stuck at the airport and was board, so I thought I’d play with attempting to represent some information about trans terminology’s history and social context in a graph: For more, visit my research blog.

Cook-Riley, Frye and Frederickson: Pioneers of the Modern Trans Community

I’ve noticed that some of the folks who claimed that the “transgender community” didn’t exist until after the mid 1990s seem to be curling their toes after a wonderful interview with Yvonne Cook-Riley was published. They seem to feel that her story wipes away all the documented cooperative group efforts by transsexuals and non-transsexuals going […]

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