Author: Cristan

A Drama Preemption

As I said before, I set out doing research into the etiology of the term “transgender’” to satisfy my curiosity about claims made about the term. I’ve therefore focused on the eras which are most consistently discussed: 1970 – 1979, 1980 – 1989 and 1990 – 1999. However, in satisfying my curiosity by going about […]

Dr. Heir Stephan Hotze on 1041 BASH AM Radio

A radio interview with arch right-wing anti-trans Republican financial backer Steven Hotze’s  brother, Dr. Heir Stephan Hotze:   Steven Hotze is a hatemonger. For nearly twenty five years he has stoked the flames of bigotry in this community like no other local politico. In the mid-1980’s he masterminded the repeal of the City of Houston […]

Houston Community College: Trans People Need Not Apply?

Many of you will remember that Houston Community College (HCC) seemed to have attempted to cover up the anti-trans bashing of Lance Reyna, a female-to-male transgender student after he suffered an on-campus attack. On June 22, 2010 Reyna was washing his hands in the restroom when a man with a shaved head said in a […]

Open Letter to the Executive Director of the Mass. Psychiatric Society, Beverly Sheehan

NOTE: I have emailed, faxed and mailed this letter to Beverly Sheehan, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Psychiatric Society. I encourage you to contact her as well and urge her organization to follow in the footsteps of the APA and denounce the misinformation Ablow has purposefully propagated to the national and international population while […]

Hold Dr. Keith Ablow Responsible… NOW!

Note: Updated 10/18/2011: Ablow is at it YET AGAIN and this time he is targeting an 11 YEAR OLD CHILD! In his newest professional anti-trans assertions, note how Ablow attempts to deflect being held accountable by claiming that his professional actions do not meet the dictionary definition of bullying. Since professional bullying is precisely one of the things I […]

Dancing with Keith Ablow: The Trans Community Responds

Houston – On September 2,  Dr. Keith Ablow, the Fox News psychologist, advised parents not to allow their children to see a transgender person on television because he feels that doing so might turn children into transsexuals.  The statement was made in response to an announcement that Chaz Bono, a transgender man, would appear on […]

Truth Wins Out Radio: Ex-Transgender Radio

I find the response that I’ve had to this is really interesting. After folks like pop-psychologist (trained in criminal psychology and practices a Chris Angel-like therapy called “Street Therapy”) Dr. Keith Ablow was given an extraordinary platform via Fox News and tell parents that their children could catch transsexualism from watching Chaz Bono on dancing […]

An Intro: “Transgender” During the 1990s

For the past few months, I’ve made available a number of never-before-considered documents that reviewed the true roots of the word “transgender”. The Myth The term “transgender” was coined by a heterosexual crossdresser chauvinist who hated transsexual people, Virginia Prince. The term was explicitly created to refer to other heterosexual crossdressers like Prince. Therefore, if […]

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