Author: Cristan

GenderReality Fails: Cristan Williams is subhuman, needs to be dealt with

  Even though the Virginia Prince fountainhead myth is dead, TS Separatists still promote it as if it were fact. Today, the Separatists over at “GenderReality” tried to set the record straight on trans history. How did they set the record straight? They just asserted their version of reality to be fact and expected all to simply accept their […]

TS Separatist Backs out of Debate

This Friday at 7 PM central on BlogTV, The separatist, Lisa McDonald will be debating that “transgender” comes from communism just backed out of the debat. I’m sure the debate will be would have been full of conspiracy theory, non-sequiturs, ad homs and lots of quote mining… and on my side you’ll get you would have gotten to see […]


RadFem BS: I find it amusing to watch RadFems and their TS Separatists lapdogs tie themselves into knots over trying to make the case that gender does not exists and that therefore, gender identity is BS. Let me succinctly state what gender identity is: One’s subjective experience of their physical sex. It seems that the RedFem’s favorite debate tool is equivocation. They simply assert […]

Rewriting Trans History With 3 Simple Points

The above represents practically all that’s wrong about the transgender coinage myth that’s been propagated over the last 20 years. Let me just put that myth to rest with 3 simple bullet points: Here’s the trans+gender lexical compound being used in 1965 to describe transsexuals. Here’s a 1975 newspaper article from a trans leader reporting that “transgenderist” […]

Critiquing Academic “Coinage” Myths: The Virginia Prince Fountainhead Myth

By way of introduction to this post: I got to spend last week with Dr. Rawson who flew across the country to spend some time with the Houston transgender archive*. We spent a lot of time talking about the Prince fountainhead myth that’s been propagated over the last couple of decades. We talked about how some […]

What Inclusionism Means

I wanted to take a moment and address what it means to be a non-Separatist; that is, what it means to be an Inclusionist – part of the transgender community. The Houston transgender community has been an explicitly Inclusionist community since the 1960s. We toyed with separatism in the mid-1980s when West-Coast Separatists tried to force the Houston trans community to give up […]

Ashley “I’m Colonized” Love

For example, this Spring a few self-promoting and self-aggrandizing “transgender” bloggers, authors and “gender outlaw” entertainers (who actually financially and professionally profit by enforcing transgender socio-politics and umbrella-ism theory) are obsessing over how to stop the inevitable transsexual liberation by creating petty drama, speculating, concocting ‘out of this world’ and laughable history revisionism, taking actions […]

Fantacy VS Reality, Part Deux

Fantasy: “GLAAD’s rule ‘only say transgender, never say transsexual’” – GLAAD according to Ashley Love Reality:    “… some transsexual people still prefer to use the term to describe themselves… It is best to ask which term the individual prefers.”  – GLAAD according to reality Just say’n.    

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