Author: Cristan

The TERF Appropriation of the Trans Day of Remembrance

A TERF hate-tracking site recently raised a warning that Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist (TERF) leaders are attempting to appropriate the Trans Day of Remembrance: Cathy Brennan, contributor to the Radfem2013 conference, has sunk to yet a new low.  She is now trying to exploit the death of our sisters (Transgender Day of Remembrance – TDOR)  to further her justification of transphobia. […]

Revisiting ‘the fallacy of cis privilege, again.’

I’ve noticed that TERFs tend to lie. Like, a lot. As in, metric tons of BS. TERFs far and wide are currently gnashing their collective teeth over the reality that their hate-fest conference (#RadFem2013) was booted from its venue for the second year in a row. Instead of being an emotional adult about their situation, they instead […]

#RadFem2013 Lies and the London Irish Centre

For the second year in a row, the RadFem hate conference  has been booted from their venue. For the second year in a row, the RadFem hate leadership is claiming to be victims of a conspiracy. Last year is was a transgender conspiracy and this year it’s a so-called “Men’s Rights” conspiracy: Here’s why the RadFem’s claim […]

Life is Good

It’s been an amazing few weeks. Here’s the updates: We’re going to purchase our own building for the TG Center and Archives. This weekend we started off with 10K in support and by the end of the weekend, we were looking at more than 10 times that in support. I found out that my research […]

Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival

Most of the Womyn that come to fest really don’t care whether you’re straight or not as long as your not trans. – D.M., Festival Supporter, July 4, 2012 It’s been 23 years since the MWMF became a symbol of all that’s wrong with cis-privilege and some might wonder why the fight to end cis/trans segregation at […]

Learn To Hate

  Jesus… I hate it when bigotry is framed as an inherent right. Before you can hate, you must first be taught to vilify and dehumanize your target. It’s only after this process has taken place that you can view an entire class of people with suspension and conclude that segregation is appropriate. This process […]

The Gay Agenda: It’s Real

I’m sure you’ve heard about this thing called, The Gay Agenda. Right wingers have been talking about it for quite some time now. Have you ever read it? I bet you didn’t know that there is a very real Gay Agenda. You see, it all started back in 1978 when the Houston queer community came […]

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