Author: Cristan

Transphobia & Narcissistic Stupefaction

  Returning to the poison chalice of TERFism, consider this, the underlying conceit underpinning all aspects of fascism: making meritorious mere accidents of birth. How appealing must it be to the insipid that a white cishet woman –who is oppressed as a woman– elevates herself above all Black people for that which she possesses by […]

Jean-Paul Sartre on Transphobes

Did you know that the world-famous existentialist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre wrote about transphobes, identifying the bad-faith way transphobes attack trans people? Did you know that he even identified the derangement of personality upon which transphobia is sustained? Well, here it is: Transphobic Rhetoric ever believe that transphobes are completely unaware of the absurdity of their […]

Why I’m Leaving Texas: A Trans Activist’s Journey

I’ve agonized over this decision since the election as I’ve invested quite a bit of myself into building a safe and supportive community for non-cis folk here in Houston since the 1990s. And yet, here it is: I’m moving out of Texas. I’m the one who convinced the head of Texas DPS policy, Rebecca Blewitt, […]

An Ode to Centrists & Radicals

A keyboard “radical” asked me why Democrats didn’t have a plan B for Harris’ loss. There is no backup plan because she was the last line of defense. Biden messed up when he appointed an AG who was more interested in bending over backwards to give Trump every out possible rather than going after him […]

You were wrong about me

I was talking to a close friend I’ve known since I was a teenager this week, and I noted that I was about to reach a significant milestone in my Ph.D. program. She commented that it was amazing because when she met me, my dyslexia was so bad that I couldn’t write a decipherable sentence. […]

The psychology of Texas fascism

Yesterday, I learned that a Trumpist gunman was menacing people a few blocks from a school off of Wallisville Road. The gunman said that he was trying to provoke a reaction: The gunman picked the Sonoma Subdivision where the median home costs more than a quarter million. Built in 2005, the subdivision is located in […]

Warning: Houston Klan Culture

This afternoon, a couple were accosted in Southwest Houston by what appears to be an incel harassing and threatening them with Nazi/KKK hate.

A Cure for the Generational Trauma of Klan Culture

The KKK would pass out fliers with caricatures of non-heteronormative people, warning the public that people like me were dangerous. I remember the KKK marching in the streets carrying signs that instructed the adults around me to “frag a fag” in order to “save our children.” I also remember when a popular Houston mayoral candidate, Louie Welch said that the best way to address the HIV epidemic would be to “shoot the queers.”

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