Civil Rights

Victoria Brownworth: I Remember


I remember that you used your famed status to get a trans minor to show his genitals to you.1

I remember that instead of acknowledging your unethical behavior, you went on the offensive.2

I remember that you publicly claimed that I threatened to rape you.3

I remember that you publicly claimed that I threatened your family.4

I remember that you publicly claimed that I threatened murder you.5

I remember that you publicly claimed that your paper was filing suit against me.6

I remember that you publicly claimed to have filed a police report against me.7


And do you know what else I remember, Victoria?

I remember that I’ve proven that you publicly LIED about your paper filing suit against me.

I remember that you refused to acknowledge it.

I remember that I’ve proven that you publicly LIED about filing a police report against me.

I remember that you refused to acknowledge it.

I remember that you claim to be a trans ally and yet feel entitled to publicly misgender me.

I remember that you’ve no problem publicly telling trans people that cisgender privilege doesn’t exist.

I remember that when people ask me if I want to rape and murder you, people believe it because YOU – a famous “award winning” reporter – published that lie.

Lastly, I remember that you’ve dodged posting any proof to support your allegations against me for 4281 days 59 minutes 12 seconds.


But apparently lying about rape threats is okay in her book.
But apparently lying about rape threats is okay in her book.


UPDATE 9/6/13: Victoria Brownworth continues her pattern of libelous lies, this time publicly claiming that I told her that I want her to die.



1-2: See

3-7: See

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