The awareness of going back home feels as if it is looming over my head. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I also understand that the unique circumstances of this journey is a large part of my growing affinity for this place and it’s culture. Being here, doing all that I have done… has somehow given me that illusive experience of feeling in balance with myself and the world I perceive. I also realize that if I were to return to this place at some latter date, that my experience of Thailand would be different. I understand that right here, right now – this unique journey is something that I may never again experience.
Here in Thailand, I have remembered how to breath. I have had the gift of knowing that in this moment, I am right where my path wants me to be and because of that, I have felt renewed, in tune and… at home – within my body and within this world.
This is a wholly new perspective. It is exciting and grounding at the same time. And somehow – I don’t have the words to express it – I have somehow remembered myself… embraced myself… honored, assessed, released… All of these words, yes, but more… it is more than just that – it is more than the meanings we give those words – those expressions in day to day life… I just don’t have the words to articulate this balance…