I only have about 7 more days here. The thought is bittersweet. The city itself is bittersweet. Chon Buri is not what I would call a clean town. However, I have yet to meet a rude person. I have yet to see an unfriendly face. In some ways, I think I have fallen in love with the Thai culture – what little of it I know. I am a Westerner looking in. I have really connected with Wannee and I think that I will really miss her – I mean in the way that I am missing my closest friends and family right now.
This has been a journey of many awakenings. Aside from the reason I came to this city by the sea and its significance in my life – I found myself weeping, from the bottom of my gut… it had been so… so long. I felt the presence of what I have never been able to categorize – I have sometimes called it “my path,” or “my guidance,” or “that inner self.” Whatever label you want to give it… I felt it. And it felt… like home. All I could do was to be there with it and my tears of gratitude.