Civil Rights

Victoria Brownworth: I Remember


I remember that you used your famed status to get a trans minor to show his genitals to you.1

I remember that instead of acknowledging your unethical behavior, you went on the offensive.2

I remember that you publicly claimed that I threatened to rape you.3

I remember that you publicly claimed that I threatened your family.4

I remember that you publicly claimed that I threatened murder you.5

I remember that you publicly claimed that your paper was filing suit against me.6

I remember that you publicly claimed to have filed a police report against me.7


And do you know what else I remember, Victoria?

I remember that I’ve proven that you publicly LIED about your paper filing suit against me.

I remember that you refused to acknowledge it.

I remember that I’ve proven that you publicly LIED about filing a police report against me.

I remember that you refused to acknowledge it.

I remember that you claim to be a trans ally and yet feel entitled to publicly misgender me.

I remember that you’ve no problem publicly telling trans people that cisgender privilege doesn’t exist.

I remember that when people ask me if I want to rape and murder you, people believe it because YOU – a famous “award winning” reporter – published that lie.

Lastly, I remember that you’ve dodged posting any proof to support your allegations against me for 4246 days 8 hours 26 minutes 24 seconds.


But apparently lying about rape threats is okay in her book.
But apparently lying about rape threats is okay in her book.


UPDATE 9/6/13: Victoria Brownworth continues her pattern of libelous lies, this time publicly claiming that I told her that I want her to die.



1-2: See

3-7: See

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