Romney can’t win. It’s statistically impossible. Should Romney win, we’ll have a huge problem on our hands. Let’s review the statistical chances Romney has of winning:
From the Princeton Election Consortium:
These folks are never wrong when it comes to POTUS elections.
Let’s check in with the folks at fivethirtyeight:
Again… these folk’s are known for one thing only: getting it right… just not as exact as Princeton:
Note that Princeton compares their statistical work to . So, let’s see what they have to say:
Should it turn out that somehow the world’s best statistical electoral minds had the results completely backwards, it would then become proof that America is no longer a democracy.
Just say’n…

Election Day is Here! Are We Still a Democracy? Let’s Find Out. Romney can’t win. It’s statistically impossible:
Via @cristanwilliams Election Day is Here! Are We Still a Democracy? Let’s Find Out. #girlslikeus #trans
It looks like we’re still a democracy. Obama is going to win in a landslide, by probably close to 100 electoral votes. The popular vote will be closer but this is how the system works.
And frankly, with the economy this bad, Romney should have clobbered Obama. Clinton beating Bush and Reagan beating Carter are proof. That Romney couldn’t beat Obama in this economic climate is a huge statement about his economic policies and his social policies as well. The country has rejected the Religious Right once again and the Supply Side Witchdoctors at the same time.
Break open the champagne!
Yes ma’am! Woo-hoo!!!