This post chronicles efforts by the GOP and their surrogates to systematically and fraudulently stop Democrats from voting:
- True The Vote – a Republican poll-watching org (see other TTV issues below) – just got caught committing voter fraud, was banned from operating in Franklin County.
- Caught on video: Voting machine switching Obama votes to Romney votes: - Pensilvania Republicans trying to stop black citizens from voting.
- Republican U.S. Senatorial candidate Linda McMahon, pretends to not be Republican to get Democrats to vote for her:
- Nah, bro… Finding your ballot in the gutter was just an accident
- Voter Suppression Happening at Liberal College in North Carolina 1,000 Votes in Question
- Senatorial candidate Jeff Flake’s (R-AZ) campaign has been giving wrong information via Robocop calls about where people are to vote. Who are the only people receiving misinformation? You guessed it, registered Democrats:
- And so it’s begun: The first federal suit filed against Florida Republican leaders for making people wait SEVEN HOURS to vote.
- Across the country people receive false robo-call saying the date of the presidential election was changed due to Hurricane Sandy.
- Republican caught changing ballots to straight-ticket Republican: “Sources familiar with the incident say their understanding is that the woman filled in a straight Republican ticket on the ballots where preferences had been left blank by voters”
- “It appears that Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, is on a mission to suppress Ohio voters. During the weeks leading up to Election Day, Husted has tried everything he can come up with, even defying court orders, in order to make sure that fewer people can vote early, and now get their vote counted. A last-minute directive issued by Husted could now invalidate many legal provisional ballots.”
- The largest Republicans poll watcher org training poll watchers to stop trans folk from voting:
- Voter intimidation targeting black voters by the above Republican group.
- The Republican Ohio Secretary of State just yesterday changed the rules adding even more restrictions on provisional ballots in violation of a court order. “Voter advocates on Saturday criticized an order by Ohio’s elections chief dealing with the casting of provisional ballots, saying it increases the likelihood that votes could be wrongly rejected.”
- Florida ‘glitch’ wipes out 1000 early votes in black area:
- Compare this Republican’s GOOD behaviorto the Florida Republican governor who has cut voting time in half, forcing people to wait almost 9 hours to vote.
- Yet more republicans ‘helping’ democratic-leaning voters vote: King County warns voters “King County GOP is collecting ballots at multiple van drop locations in King County.”
- Republicans passing out “Obama voting cards” – fake voting cards aimed at tricking black voters into voting for Republicans and Republican causes.
- South Florida voters waiting 4 hours to vote early. The early voting window was reduced by Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott from 14 to 8 days, or from 120 to 96 hours. “The people of Florida will not forget his failure to stand up for their right to vote.”
- Efforts to suppress votes in Ohio: Republican supporters send ‘vote history audits‘ to Toledo residents showing their neighbor’s voting habits and threatens to follow up after Nov. 6.
- Mitt Romney’s campaign has been training poll watchers in Wisconsin with false information about voters’ rights. “One blatant falsehood occurs on page 5 of the training packet, which informed poll watchers that any “person [who] has been convicted of treason, a felony, or bribery” isn’t eligible to vote. This is not true.”
- Republican Texas attorney general threatens to arrest monitors observing US election: ‘State attorney general calls international group’s plan to watch for fairness at the polls ‘legally irrelevant in the United States’
“You coon” “Viva la Mexico” “Fuck you coon-ass bitch” “We’re gonna goose-step your ass you ni**er-ass bitch” The statements of nice Republican boys after being caught on tape destroying Obama signs. Oh, did I mention that they were saying these nice things while they assaulted the cameraman? The reason this guy was taping was because 100s of Obama signs had been destroyed and shot at. Republicans claimed that Dems were destroying their own signs to make Reps look like bigots. The cameraman was taping a location of previous vandalism to try to disprove the Rep talking point… and boy did he.
- Another Catholic Bishop threatens damnation for voting Democrat.
- “An overzealous cleaning of the records is a move that can’t be tolerated,” said La Porte County Democrat Party Chair John Jones, who cited statistics that Indiana was second in the nation for voter purges this year. He said 21 percent of its voters were eliminated, and pointed out that 10,000 absentee voters were canceled, a 150 percent increase from the last election cycle.
- Democrats urge Justice Department to probe alleged GOP voter fraud: Three House Democrats on Tuesday called on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate alleged voter registration fraud carried out by a firm hired by Republicans.
- Obama signs are riddled with bullet holes:
- Remember how FOX News was going after the early voting efforts in Ohio as if it was a bad thing? Well, the Supreme court stopped Republicans from banning early voting. You know what Republicans did? They said that yes, voting can take place over 3 days instead of just 1 (in compliance with the Supreme court) but have mandated that the voting booth can only be open for 16 hours in total OVER THREE DAYS. So, instead of getting 3, 16 hours days to vote, Ohio will get just 16 hours spread out over 3 days.
- Republican-led State Board of Elections won’t ask Republican attorney general to investigate worker arrested for dumping voter registrations
Then there’s the whole Sproul Fraud…
- The Republican National Committee has now been implicated or alleged to have been involved in voter registration fraud in no fewer than three states: Virginia, Colorado and Florida
- Each of the above cases is directly connected to Chair Reince Priebus, who as Chair of the RNC hired a firm headed by Nathan Sproul, a longtime Republican consultant with a known history of alleged voter registration fraud.
- Sproul also faced election fraud allegations in 2004. EIGHT years ago.
- Shockingly (!), the Republican Party (even though they were well aware of those allegations), candidates and interest groups have paid Sproul and his linked firms $21.2 million over the past NINE years.
- The Romney campaign has so far paid $80,000 to a separate Sproul-run firm
- Karl Rove’s American Crossroads PAC has paid nearly $1 million to Sproul’s firms for voter outreach.
- The RNC has directing millions to Sproul’s firm since Reince Priebus became Chair last year.
- Colin Small – the Republican Party field director arrested yesterday for dumping voter registration forms in the trash – was working under the supervision of RNC officials and was first hired by a Sproul-run firm.
- Sproul and his wife have donated $5,000 to Mitt Romney in the 2012 cycle and have had their photograph taken with him.
- The Republican National Committee has now been implicated or alleged to have been involved in voter registration fraud in no fewer than three states: Virginia, Colorado and Florida
- Arizona county gives wrong election date in Spanish voter cards
- Judge blocks Republican voter suppression law for Texas.
- Texas Republicans attempt to suppress minority voting through redistricting blocked, Republicans appeal
- Republican runs for and wins right to run on Democratic ticket
B… B… But ACORN!!1111 First of all, ACORN self-reported fraud to the authorities; the ACORN meme is BS. ACORN isn’t a political party. The Republican Party is.
To be clear about the modern Republican party views voting… allow me to let the father of the modern Republican party speak for himself…

Via @cristanwilliams Chronicling 2012 Republican Voter Fraud #girlslikeus #trans
Via @cristanwilliams, Chronicling 2012 Republican Voter Fraud #LGBT #trans #transgender
Chronicling 2012 Republican Voter Fraud: Yeah, it’s extensive…
#Obama #Romney