Did you know that Swatch Watch sold a timepiece known as, “TIME TRANNY“?
Well, neither did I!

Swatch has this to say:
LaChapelle’s creation for Swatch features a picture of the extravagant model and transsexual icon, Amanda Lepore. Surrounded by the blue and gold nimbus of a King Tut-like headdress, her face radiates a red-lipsticked smile. The strap is printed with various collaged images—a racy red car crash, a near-nude model. With all its red-nailed, performed femininity, this watch has as much going on as a fashion socialite, from the glitzy red, blue and gold palette to Lepore’s arched, flawlessly painted eyebrows. Humorously titled Time Tranny (GZ163), this irresistible piece is the delightful and surprising work from a provocative and edgy artist.
See… it’s “humorously” titled. Also, one hand is a hotdog and the other is a bun. Isn’t that just fucking hilarious??
While you can only buy this watch through vendors and not swatch’s corporate site, I did call swatch (1-866-379-2824) to voice my opinion of their “humorously titled” timepiece.

From Swatch Watch: TIME TRANNY! It’s like blackface… on your wrist #trans #transgender http://t.co/anKURfyZ
RT @cristanwilliams: From Swatch Watch: TIME TRANNY! It’s like blackface… on your wrist #trans #transgender http://t.co/anKURfyZ
RT @ClaireECramer: Oy, @SwatchUS fucked up big time: http://t.co/lrrsTUeH You can call (866) 379-2824 to complain.
fucking tasteless – From Swatch Watch: TIME TRANNY!: http://t.co/y9P70hrI cc: #lgbt #transgender #trans
From @Swatch @SwatchUS: TIME TR*NNY! Trans-misogyny u can carry on your wrist! #trans #transgender http://t.co/tywKa3Fq via @cristanwilliams
RT @leftytgirl: From @Swatch @SwatchUS: TIME TR*NNY! Trans-misogyny u can carry on your wrist! #trans #transgender http://t.co/tywKa3Fq via @cristanwilliams
RT @leftytgirl: From @Swatch @SwatchUS: TIME TR*NNY! Trans-misogyny u can carry on your wrist! #trans #transgender http://t.co/tywKa3Fq …
@SwatchUS “TimeTranny” Watch Like BlackFace But Swatch saz its Funny & OK. NOT! Cal 866-379-2824 http://t.co/C2OrgeuF http://t.co/COirTGpV