From the Amazing Atheist’s blog (yes, that Amazing Atheist):
And more RadFem derp: “their arrogance and oppressiveness is amazing. It is funny though that they are so used to Feminists immediately bowing before them that they don’t know how to deal with that we don’t care what happens to them. They expect we’ll be shocked to see statistics about them being killed, and don’t realize, some of us wish they would ALL be dead.” – RadFem position on trans folk
The proper response…

Here’s my prediction for how many knots RadFems and their TS Separatist lapdogs will tie themselves into:
- Linking to AA’s blog: 15
- Daring to quote a RadFem: 3
- Assimilating RadFems into the Transgender Borg: 1,232,346
- Bad Grammar: 2,642,373,193,931,428,230
Oh, and as to the lapdog comment, here’s what RadFems think of their TS Separatist sycophants:
This is great, thanks!
LOL! A sense of humor… Awesome!
Um, yeah! Hello!