Bashings, Derp, Right Wing Watch

Advice to Right Wing Fearmongers


So, the cancer that is the American right wing has infected Canada. An “institute” has begun a misinformation campaign that claims that kids can catch transsexualism from books. According to this “institute,” if kids learn about “intersexed” and two-spirited Native people, it will trigger a psychological break that will inexorably lead to them turning into transsexuals – possibly on the spot. Here’s their television ad:

So, here’s my advice:


Because spreading lies like this can have real-world consequences.

And yes, I’ve already called. This is McVety’s real info. You can email, call and/or fax him if you like. 

How stupid does one have to be to do something like this when you’re running a hate campaign? How about creationist stupid? Yup, McVety is a creationist who thinks Evolution = Nazism.


Apparently this “institute” is McVety’s office at the college he works for. I wonder if this college knows that it is part of a political campaign and that McVety has set up his own “institute” on their campus. Also, I wonder if this college receives any public funding and if this would be problematic for the college if regulators were to discover that public funds were being used in a right-wing misinformation campaign?

Oh, and by the way. I wonder if McVety even knows about the Canadian teen who was just bashed for being trans while his anti-trans misinformation campaign was in full swing? I wonder is McVety even considered how putting anti-trans lies out into the public plays out in real life?


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  1. Listening to that was like a breath of stale air. Nothing but lies and misdirection. And what's with throwing in the "two-spirit" reference? I know indigenous peoples aren't considered full-blown humans in Canada, but isn't that just a little over-the-top? Or is it alright as long as they're TGLB people?

    Also, I wonder if the people who made that commercial had rights to use that background music.

    1. "I wonder if the people who made that commercial had rights to use that background music. "

      I posted on BarlowGirl's facebook page concerning this. I noticed it, too.

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