I went from hanging out with elected officials at the LGBT “Response” to Rick Perry’s Response to hanging out with several 100 bikers confronting the Westboro Baptist Church’s event to thank god for murdered US soldiers. In the middle of it all, I got to hang out with none other than AronRa (yes, you aren’t cool enough to know who he is LOL), Houston atheists and Get Equal and Code Pink. I’m working on a YouTube upload, but in the meantime I thought I’d share some pics. So much to protest; so little time!
From the GLBT “Response” to Rick Perry endorsing, validating and therefore supporting the message of known hate groups, homophobes and transphobes:
The atheist “Response” was to protest Rick Perry abdicating his duty to Texans by thinking that Yahweh Elohim will fix everything that Perry’s managed to break and for violating the constitution of the United States by using his public office to organize a Christian-only event (Yes, if the event is a “… call to repentance and a lifestyle of worship does not end with an event, but rather begins with that moment when we say ‘yes’ to Jesus.” then it is a violation of out nation’s constitution). I mostly shot video of the event, but here’s a pic of AronRa using my laptop:
And WBC was on hand to protest the “Response” for not being anti-gay enough:
Then there was a really cool protest organized by some kick-ass women from the Women in the Wind in response to the WBC giving thanks for murdered soldiers at Ellington Field. It was awesome; we had everyone from the 3-Patch MCs to proud rainbow flag carrying queers all coming together to face off the Phelps clan. We even had a few base helicopters join in on the protest. At one point, we had groups of bikers surrounding them, racing past them with coast guard choppers buzzing them from the air. Between the helicopters and the bikes, it didn’t matter that WBC came with megaphones – we totally drowned them out!
PS: To all of you Christians who thought that this hate-group lead “Response” was just a peachy idea, listen to this: http://www.biblegateway.com/audio/mclean/niv/Matt.6.5-Matt.6.6

Great getting to meet so many passionate folks.
It has been a true pleasure to know you cristan