Caputo: Monsters
So, if you like metal you may have heard of Life of Agony. They are one of those mature bands that tend to be spot on with their delivery; controlled… focused. When they play with tempo, sounds, and the baseline, they get it right.
Well, as you might have guessed by watching the above video, their singer is trans.
Caputo’s coming out tweet
I have to say, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a piece of media art that captures the essence of what it’s like to be trans more than this. Caputo hit it out of the park with this video.

I just saw your posting on this. I saw Mina Caputo's "Got Monsters" when it first came out, and I have to agree, Mina Caputo does hit it out of the park. She described the experience perfectly, in my opinion: the story she shows is my own experience.
I have sent the YouTube link to many of my friends (who are trans) and am somewhat amazed at the number of them who require a translation – they don't understand what the video is about. One even went so far as to rant about how she hated the video because it called transsexuals "Monsters.'
Seems that no matter how eloquently you state an idea, there are many who will fail to grasp the point.
And if this is a problem in our own community, it is sadly doubtful that the population-at-large would see it either.
I hope, however, that I am ultimately proven wrong; but I suspect otherwise.