Civil Rights

David Welch is Afraid to Debate Me


tg-restroomWho is David Welch? David Welch is the Executive Director of a local hate group that calls itself the “Houston Area Pastoral Council”. He’s also Founding Executive Director of Christian Coalition of Washington, the National Field Director of Christian Coalition, the Executive Director of Vision America and perhaps most importantly, he wets himself when he thinks about debating me.

The last time I debated Welch, I was given a just one hour to prepare. The question for debate was, “Should transgender people be allowed to marry.” Welch pulled out the same old logical fallacies the far right wing always uses when they talk about the civil rights of the queer community. Needless to say, I moped the floor with him. After the debate, FOX ran a poll to see who won the debate and a whopping 89.7% sided with me.

On November 17, a transgender youth was unlawfully arrested by HPD because  she, in accordance with the Houston City Ordinance, used the female bathroom at the Jesse H. Jones Library in downtown Houston.  A Houston Library security guard initiated the incident by informing an HPD officer that, “a man [sic] is in the restroom.” The arresting officer took the patron to jail for the alleged offence of violating a State of Texas law which states, “It is unlawful for any person to use a restroom of the opposite sex unless given permission…”

The City of Houston Executive Order 1 – 8 and 1 – 20 gives explicit permission to transgender people to use the correct restroom. Of course, David Welch thinks that transgender men should be forced to use the women’s restroom an that transgender women should use the men’s restroom

So, tonight FOX again set up a debate with David Welch and I was slated to debate him. However, he backed out and is refusing to debate me again!

I encourage you to contact Welch and ask him to debate me!



Phone:    832-688-9166

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  1. Covenant House Texas is a non-profit human service organization which provides emergency shelter, crisis intervention, transitional housing and community-based services to all homeless, runaway and at risk youths under the age of 21. CHT does not practice nor does it tolerate ethnic, racial or sexual bias or discrimination.

    I have served on the CHT Board of Directors and as their legal counsel for more than 17 years and would welcome the opportunity, on behalf of CHT, to meet with you, representatives of the Transgender Foundation of America and the City of Houston to partner in better serving the needs of GLBT youth in the Houston community.

    As CHT feels that all youths should be provided safe shelter, I would also welcome your assistance in my investigating any instances where it is thought that specific youths have been improperly or ill-treated.


    Andrea N. Moore

    P.S. While CHT and the homeless of Houston certainly could have benefitted from a $20,000 donation from Lady Gaga, that donation unfortunately was not made to our organization.

  2. Andrea – At this point you're simply spamming everyone who has dared chronicle Covenant House's long history of discriminatory treatment of GLBT youth. You've cut and pasted this EXACT statement a number of times onto a number of blogs and HAVE YET to actually contact ANY of us for the meeting you claim to be open to.

    I invite you to meet with us. Let us help your organization provide culturally competent models of service delivery. I want a Covenant House I can be proud of. I long to hear about how safe and supportive Covenant House is from my homeless clients. Let's work together to create that reality.

    Spamming blogs with cut n' paste propaganda is not the way to go about changing anything. Since you've not responded to the emails from me, Council Member Jones or the emails from the National Association of Social Workers, I can only surmise that you're nothing more than a purveyor of propaganda.


    If you'd like to contact Andrea with your thoughts about Covenant House, you can contact her at .

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