Annise Parker!
I wanted to say that I’m personally overjoyed to have Annise elected! Imagine… to hear the Mayor of Houston say, “This election has changed the world for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.” What an amazing turn of events. In the 80s, we had mayoral candidate publically stating that their approach to HIV reduction would be to “shoot the fags”. Now we have a mayor whose public service career got started because a mob of TGs put in a ton of hours campaigning for her. This mayor came to hang out with us at the TG Socials. This mayor spoke at the TG DOR going back for years and has always attended the TG Unity Banquet.
I am SO PROUD of Houston!
Fantastic Mr. Fox
I recently saw the movie, “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” because I heard that it was really an amazing movie to see. Google has it at 4/5 stars. The stop-motion was really superb but the story was horrible. I mean it. I sat through the moving thinking “Why? WTF?!? Why?”
Fantastic Mr. Fox gives up his life of crime to write for a newspaper. After some time, he decides that he wants to become a thief again so he uproots his family to be close to 3 business that he wants to break into. After stealing from all three business, the businesses come after the Fantastic Mr. Fox and his family’s home is destroyed. Not only that, all of the Fantastic Mr. Fox’s friends homes and businesses are destroyed. Fantastic Mr. Fox responds to this by ramping up his thefts and tries to burn down the people town which leads to the businesses ramping up their violence. Finally, the Fantastic Mr. Fox’s family and friends are forced to move into the sewers where they are starving. Fantastic Mr. Fox saves the day by figuring out how to break into another business and thus, starts the cycle all over again. The end.
While it is a horror of a story, I’ve not heard a peep out of the fundamentalists because apparently teaching kids that you should always answer violence with more violence is okay. Had the Fantastic Mr. Fox been the Fabulous Mr. Fox, there would be no end to fundies decrying the state of family values.