Dr. Meyer, Cancer & the TG Center


Dr. Meyer

Today I met with Dr. Walter Meyer. It was great to see him again. He was my original doctor from 1996 when I first began to address my TG issues. In some ways it felt a lot like a homecoming since he was the first person to basically tell me that who and what I was, was okay and that the pain that I was going through would pass.

He allowed me to sit down with him and record what he recalled about the development of transgender care in the US since he was on the ground-level when TG care was getting off the ground. He was around when HBIGDA (WPATH) was organized. Here are some of the things he covered:

The hour-long interview covers a lot more, but those are the highlights. I will be editing this and then post it here on transhouston. Now, this will be posted for the paid members section and be made available to non-members later on.


Last week, I found out that I do not have cancer. While doing a routine eye exam, the doctor found a spot that needed to be examined more closely. Unfortunately, my Aetna insurance was messed up (Aetna was upgrading to a new system) – their new system didn’t have my information in it. So, even though I had my Aetna card, I couldn’t be seen until last week when Aetna got their stuff straight (Ya! America has the best system of health care in the world! Rush told me so!).

Anyway, the spot inside my eyeball turned out to be nothing to worry about (though I have to have it checked each year).

Yesterday my grandmother told me that my mother died of lymph node cancer. She said that she found out my mother’s cause of death from her autopsy report. I was amazed that my grandmother had sat on this information for the last 10 years. I had no clue.

Channel 11 News

So, after a reporter asked me many times… I agreed to do an on-camera interview about TG youth and homelessness. I really have an aversion to being in the spotlight and I kept telling him that I would help him find people to interview and any information he might want. In the end he basically said that he thought that the story’s message wouldn’t be properly delivered without me relating my experience. Ugh! So, after thinking about it for half of the day, I told him that I would be willing to do the interview. I think he wants to do it on Friday.

TG Center

Work continues on the outside of the building. A lot of work has been done. It is likely that the contractor will have his permits and the inside work will then begin in earnest. There is YET ANOTHER very significant thing that might happen in conjunction with the TG Center (not a homeless program – I’m still working on that one). If what might happen, happens – it will be the first and only of its kind in the… world. I would certainly be humbled beyond any words if this other thing actually happens. But, there are a lot of “ifs” so I’m not gonna let the cat out of the bag just yet.

I am very excited about all that is going on with regards to this Center.

TG Archive

Dallas Denny and Lynn Conway are sending things to the archive in commemoration of the work the Houston community has accomplished.

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