I’m tired today. It seems as though it has been a really long day! And the rain… it just keep coming!
The Thursday Night TG Potluck Social was eventful. I saw a lot of folks there that had not ever come before – which was nice! I have committee meetings all day tomorrow…
1st Performance Improvement Committee
2nd Managers Meeting
3rd Mental Health & Social Services Meeting
4th TG Community Advisory Board Meeting
Oh, BTW… be looking for:
carolynbosma.com (Carolyn’s personal website)
cristanwilliams.com (My personal website)
tgdor.org (TG Day of Remembrance) DONE! ^ ^
tgvillage.com (Basically a TG MySpace for all transgenders – round the world!)
tgunity.org (New Houston Transgender Unity Committee Site)
I will be finishing the City of Houston site this weekend and rolling the others out one by one over the next few days…