Well… who knew my life would turn out like this? Only folk who knew me pre-transition and even 6 months ago could fully appreciate the impact of the following statements:
I have a boyfriend. I have a boyfriend who takes me places and introduces me as his girlfriend. I have a boyfriend who likes to cuddle with me and who watches my stupid Asian movies with me.
And that isn’t the worst part!
Not only do I have a boyfriend… I got rid of my 67’ VW for a… a… Mercedes-Benz.
Not only am I driving a Mercedes… my toes are painted.
For the past month… I have just been walking around shaking my head at what I’ve become.
All of a sudden I seem to be so… so… normal. AHHHH! Run because a freeze advisory just went out in hell and there are what looks to be 4 horsemen meandering about around my house!
Worst of all…. I am so ashamed… worst of all…. I… I…
Went and got a bank account! And a bank card! I even heard myself say “ATM machine” the other day!
What has happened to me?